To get cheaper car insurance cover and save money on monthly vehicle policy premiums can go a long way in helping to cut down your bills and put you in a better financial situation. Those with more than one car in a family can save the most by getting a cheaper policy for each vehicle. There is a lot of competition in South Africa among providers so there is a good chance that currently you are paying more than you actually could be for the same cover you may be able to get on a more affordable car insurance policy.
So what are the best ways to get cheaper car insurance cover in SA? Well you have a few different options and we would suggest that you first try an online aggregator such as which can help you get several quotes within a few minutes from a number of South Africa’s most respected insurers. These quotes can then be compared side by side and if you are happy with one that costs less than your current monthly premiums you can change and save money. Of course, you will need to contact the provider to confirm details and make sure that the policy covers everything that you are currently covered for.
Among other ways of saving on your monthly premiums include playing one company against the next. In other words, you call a company such as Santam to get a quote. Once you have the quote, you then call another provider such as OutSurance and tell them what Santam have quoted you and ask them if they can provide you with a more competitive policy. If they can then you take that quote and go to another provider. Obviously this will only work up to a point but it will give you a good idea of what policies are available and at what costs.
There are many other ways of saving money on your monthly vehicle cover as well which we will be covering over time. For those who do not drive a great deal then it may well be worth getting a quote from a provider such as Hollard who now offer Pay As You Drive Car Insurance for South African motorists. All in all we could all do with saving money each and every way we can in the financial times so looking to find ways of getting cheaper car insurance for driving in SA could be a wise move indeed.