MiDriveStyle from miway.co.za insurance company is a motor vehicle policy solution. One that is personalising monthly premiums according to an individuals driving habits and style.
With most motor cover policies you are paying an average kind of monthly premium. This means that no matter where or how you drive, you still pay a similar monthly cost as the youngster down the road for example. Who maybe constantly speeding, driving late at night in dangerous neighbourhoods. And handling his car a lot more recklessly on the roads than you do.
Read More: miway.co.za – Car Insurance Cover For South Africans
For years this has been the case for motor cover policies. But as you will read on the miway.co.za insurance company website, this is changing. And they could revolutionise the way things work and costs to us as consumers.
Very basically, you get what they call a “Zhacker” premium management device unit fitted to your vehicle.Which simply monitors and tracks how you handle your car and the way that you are driving.
Over time, if you prove to be a better than average driver then the chances are good that your monthly premiums will get less. And you could end up saving a lot of money on your monthly car insurance payments.
That’s not all either (as they say on TV)! The “Zhacker” unit device that goes on your vehicle also acts as a modern anti-theft and tracking device. Making your vehicle easy to track in the event of theft. If your vehicle is involved in a motor accident then the unit will notify the MiWay call centre. And you will then in turn receive a text message on your phone. To determine which road side emergency services may be needed to help you.
MiDriveStyle from Miway.co.za – in Conclusion…
There are a few more features that come with the “Zhacker” device as well. So if you think you are a careful driver who deserves to be paying less on monthly motor cover premiums. Then be sure to check out the MiDriveStyle solution over at miway.co.za. From this forward thinking South African registered insurance company.