If you choose to use Woolworths car insurance, know that you will be getting great value for your money. There is different policies available with numerous features, it can become a bit much to choose one of them. At Woolworths, they offer a policy that specifically suits your unique needs as well as your budget. Your vehicle can be insured for its retail value, but if it is not financed, it will then be insured for its trade value. You need premiums that are affordable, but a cover that insures you against the important things like accidental damage and theft as well as some other minor possibilities.
You will save money with an insured vehicle because should something like accidental damage occur while you are not insured, you will have to pay for it out of your own pocket, where as if you had Woolworths car insurance, they would have handled the matter immediately and done so professionally. Included in your premiums and policy is Emergency Assistance that offers assistance in legal, medical, trauma, road and home issues. You might think that there’s no point in having an insured vehicle and nothing happens to it, but Woolworth’s offer you up to twenty five percent back on premiums if you don’t claim at all for four consecutive years.
Therefore, you are going to save money in more ways than one and you don’t have to worry about theft of anything out of your vehicle, or the vehicle itself. They also offer an optional car hire that is available to you should your car be stolen or in an accident and it can not be driven for a while. There are many reasons as to why vehicle cover from Woolworths is a favourable option for you, so take a look at what they offer and make your choice, soon!